Are you tired of struggling financially?
Do you even know whether you deserve to live in abundance or just struggle day by day?
Join me for the 3 Day Spiritual Path To Prosperity Workshop inside my Facebook Group where we journey on the Spiritual Path To Prosperity.

Sign up below:
Meet me in the messy middle as I take you on a journey to find your Spiritual Path To Prosperity.
It does not matter what religious denomination you fall under and whether you believe in God, Creator, Universe, Divine, or however you want to phrase it, there is NO JUDGEMENT HERE.
It does not matter whether you believe in the Bible or not, although I refer to the Bible a lot, you’ll see how it fits in with the Law Of Attraction, Manifestation, and Holistic Work.
We’re going to do meditations and we’re going to do Law Of Attraction, Psychology, Holistic Coaching, Mind Work, Manifestation, Quantum Physics, Religious Science, Metaphysics and everything you can think of.
What we cover in The Spiritual Path To Prosperity Workshop
Day 1:
Get out of the Victim mindset, into the Victor mindset because God wants you to prosper and you’ve actually got it on the inside of you.
Day 2:
Limiting beliefs that are holding you back and how to conquer them.
Day 3:
The 12 points of demonstrating prosperity. To move forward and live a life of prosperity, you need to know these 12 points.
About The Spiritual Path To Prosperity:
This event already happened, so as soon as you sign up, you’ll get access to the recordings of the 3 Day workshop that I did live on Facebook as well as the 40 day meditations as set forth in The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price. (affiliate link).
You’ll receive these meditations by email over the next 40 days, so check your email inbox daily.
You’ll also get access to the Private Facebook Group.
New to my world and don’t know who I am?
Go to my About Page and Welcome Page to learn more about me.
Sign up today, I look forward to seeing you inside my group.
This is a non denominational program on mental & spiritual laws to prosperity.
No judgement here and if you feel you’re going to judge anyone on their faith or religion, please don’t join.
I look forward to seeing you there at the Spiritual Path To Prosperity 3 Day Workshop
Blessings in abundance

PS: Want to learn more about Wealth from Dr Steve G Jones? Take a look at this article on 4 Surprising things that are holding you back from wealth.
It is different from what we’re going to cover in the 3 Day Spiritual Path To Prosperity Workshop, but you can also take a look at my Wealth Mindset 4 Part eCourse.