Welcome to my Emotional Intelligence program
Let’s take a look at why Emotional Intelligence is important and why you need to invest in this Emotional Intelligence Program and yourself.
Many people believe that intelligence or IQ, which stands for intelligence quotient, is what determines success.
However, researchers have consistently found that people with average IQ outperform those with higher IQ 70 percent of the time.
So why is that?
Well, it turns out that the missing link in determining a person’s long term success is emotional intelligence or EQ.
So those average IQ people had a high EQ and study after study have shown that people with high emotional intelligence have higher levels of performance.
For instance, high EQ sales representatives outperform others by 50 percent.
They also have higher levels of productivity.
As a study of over 40 Fortune 500 companies found that programmers in the top tenth percentile of EQ produced software three times faster than programmers with low EQ.
They also have higher problem solving skills and lower levels of conflict, and they’ve been found to be more effective leaders and earn substantially more over their lifetime.
So this means that the missing link for you to be successful in life is your emotional intelligence.
The good news is that emotional intelligence can be developed! And the greatest news is I have a program especially designed to help you grow your emotional intelligence.
It is not a fixed, inborn trait, and neither is intelligence😉, as a matter of fact.
The problem is that for most of us, no one teaches us about our emotions and how they work.
No one teaches us that we can have more control over our emotions by really developing awareness of our thoughts and our feelings.
And that is why so many people struggle with being overwhelmed by life stress, getting carried away by negative emotional responses, also feeling stuck when facing challenges, sometimes feeling socially awkward or having trouble relationships.
And that is why I have this program, to help you take control.
This complete emotional intelligence program helps develop emotional intelligence, both intrapersonal intelligence or understanding of your own emotions and interpersonal intelligence for understanding emotions of others.
💝I’ll help you reduce and release stress and better cope with life events as well as develop healthy empathy so that you can better understand the other people around you and avoid being sucked into other people’s emotions.
💝You’ll also be able to listen and communicate effectively and tune in to nonverbal communication and body language.
The skill of emotional intelligence is perhaps the most valuable skill anyone can ever acquire.
Give yourself this gift of this Emotional Intelligence Program.
Click the button below to sign up for your free emotional intelligence assessment
So what is emotional intelligence?
The term emotional intelligence was created by researchers Peter Sullavoy and John Mayer.
It was then made popular to the masses in the mid ’90s by a book called Emotional Intelligence.
Written by Daniel Goleman many people believed that intelligence or IQ was what determines success.
Like mentioned before, researchers were perplexed when studies found that people with average IQ outperformed those with higher IQ as 70 percent of the time.
So finally after decades of research researchers finally found that emotional intelligence referred to as EQ was the missing link that critical factor in determining a person’s long term success.
Emotional Intelligence has two major components intrapersonal skills which is personal competencies and interpersonal skills which is social competencies. So, intrapersonal intelligence is your ability to be aware of your own moods emotions and motives and be able to manage or redirect them and your behaviors.
This also requires your ability to be flexible.
Think before reacting.
Be open to change and know how your emotions affect others.
On the other hand interpersonal intelligence is comprised of your social awareness and ability to manage relationships.
In other words it’s your ability to understand others’ moods, behaviors and motives to develop an understanding of what is at the core of an issue.
It also refers to your ability to manage and influence others’ emotions and interact successfully by empathizing with people and being able to react and treat people according to their reactions.
Interpersonal skills help people build rapport, find common ground and connect with others. And keep in mind that 80 percent of communication is nonverbal.
So our ability to read the subtle nuances of others actions gives us a better understanding of their thoughts and their feelings.
Some people are born with a higher degree of emotional intelligence.
However anyone can learn the skills and develop higher emotional intelligence throughout their lives.
What allows us to learn and integrate emotional intelligence skills is brain plasticity which is the brain’s ability to change and adapt by growing new neural connections.
In fact you can lose half of your brain and with training and treatment the other half of your brain can rewire itself to establish most of the abilities that were lost.
However rewiring your brain takes time and your ability to practice new skills repeatedly.
So developing your EQ requires communication between two parts of your brain.
The limbic system or the emotional center and the prefrontal cortex or rational thinking center.
We’ll talk more about how this works in the program, but for now it’s important to know.
EQ is like a muscle the more you use the skills the more it will develop. By developing your emotional awareness you’ll develop your ability, control your own emotions, as well as influence the emotions of others and this will lead to an improved ability to problem solve.
Think creatively.
Develop relationships avoid stress and conflict.
And best of all enjoy life more.
Would you like to take control of your Emotional Intelligence?
Join my Emotional Intelligence Program today and let’s work together to grow your Emotional Intelligence.
What is in the Emotional Intelligence Program?
This is a 12 week program where I will work personally with you to grow your emotional intelligence.
You’ll receive an audio lesson with the lessons of the program (see below Breakdown of the lessons of the program). You’ll also receive a worksheet (if there is one for the lesson) which you must do in your own time. There will be 12 lessons, one for each week.
Once every week we’ll have up to an hour Zoom Call where we’ll work one-on-one with any issues with the lesson, life issues or whatever came up for you that week.
We’ll schedule the times that suits both of us as soon as we start working together.
My normal fee is $97 per Half-hour, but because you buy the entire program, you get massive discount.
It would have cost you $5097 for the program but when you order today you’ll get it for only $1491, $497 per month over 3 months.
How did I get to $5097?
Approximately one hour coaching lesson each week = $97 x 2 (because it’s per half hour) = $194 x 12 weeks = $2328
Personal one-on-one Zoom call for up to an hour = $97 x 2 = $194 x 12 weeks = $2328
Worksheets, reports and homework, $147 per month x 3 months (12 weeks) = $441
Total: $5097 for the total 12 week program
You’ll only pay $1491 (3 installments of $497 each)… That’s a massive $3606 discount.
If you want to see the breakdown, visit my Pricing page, but come back here to sign up because when you buy here, it’s program specific. The pricing page is for any program you want to sign up. As you can see I have many certifications and programs.
Don’t miss out, order your Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program today for only $1491… 3 payments of $497 per month!!
Keep in mind, the date you purchase will be the date your next installment will automatically be deducted for the next 3 months.
Breakdown of the lessons in this program
1) Introduction to Emotional Intelligence:
- What is emotional Intelligence?
- Understanding your EQ strengths and Weaknesses
- Emotional Intelligence Assessment
- Problem Area Assessment
2) Understanding Emotions
- Thoughts Create Emotions
- The Emotional Scale
- Situations vs Psychological Fear
- Emotional Conditioning
3) Present Moment Awareness
- Present moment awareness
- Present moment awareness process
4) Developing Emotional Awareness (intrapersonal)
- Developing Awareness of emotions
- Identifying Underlying Thoughts
- Identifying Triggers
- Quality vs Safe Problems
- The power of pain and pleasure
5) Managing Emotions
- The 5 Second Rule for taking action and shifting your state
- Positive Triggers
- NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming): Restructuring your feelings
- NLP: Anchoring
6) Empowering Your Thoughts and Beliefs
- Perspective: reframing your thoughts
- Changing Limiting beliefs
- Affirmations and incantations
- NLP: Recoding Your Emotional Memory
7) Stress Reduction
- The importance of Reducing Stress
- Guided Progressive Relaxation
8) Personal Power and Motivation
- Practicing confidence and certainty
- Your confidence resume
- Practicing hope and joy
- NLP: Changing Your Negative Self Talk
- Experiencing unconditional emotions
9) Empowering Relationship (Interpersonal)
- Why emotions are contagious: Mirror Neurons
- Handling others’ emotions
- Developing rapport
- Developing empathy
- Effective listening
- Effective communication techniques
10) Emotional Intelligence for leadership
- Emotional Intelligence in the workplace
- Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
- The importance of empathy for leaders
11) Assessing Confidence
- Identifying areas of low confidence
- Confidence Assessment
- Asset Inventory
- Overcoming Self Doubt
12) Growth Mindset (the key to confidence)
- Mindset Assessment
- Developing a Growth Mindset Part 1: Awareness
- Developing a Growth Mindset Part 2: Perspective
- Developing a Growth Mindset Part 3: Action
PLEASE NOTE: Sometimes the structure of the program might be different but everything above is included. It might be that one of the lessons for the next week is added to the current week (for instance some of Week 4’s lessons are added to Week 3 because there are only 2 subjects for week 3). This is to get an even breakdown of the audio for at least 40 to 60 minutes for each lesson. But don’t worry, everything above is covered!
How does the ordering work?
As soon as you did your first $497 payment you’ll receive:
- your first audio lesson,
- a link to book your first Calendly Call and
- relevant documents related to the first lesson
- The emotional intelligence assessment
- (please do these before our first one-on-one call)
Thereafter you’ll receive a weekly email with the next lesson as well as the related documents for each lesson until you’ve received all 12 lessons over a period of 12 weeks.
You will see that the Calendly Call is only for 30 minutes, but don’t worry, as soon as you booked your appropriate time I’ll manually add the other 30 minutes after that to you. Just make sure that it is at a time when there are 60 minutes open together. The reason is because my normal calls are $97 for a 30 minute call, but you get an hour because you signed up for the program.
These calls will be at the same time every week, except if you need to change it, but please let me know in advance to avoid taking someone else’s time.
What this program will not do
Doing this program does NOT certify you to become a coach. (If you want to become a life coach you can visit my Transformation Academy ambassador link to become a certified life coach in the area you’re interested in)
This program is for personal use only and the materials you receive are NOT to be shared with anyone else.
They must sign up for my program to receive the material.
The material is copy protected and if in any way it is found that you are sharing it or using it in any other way than intended in this program, chances are that you can be sued by Transformation Academy. Rather stay safe and don’t share the material. Rather let them sign up for my program.
Don’t forget to share this Emotional Intelligence Program
Do you have friends who will benefit from this program? Be sure to share this with them through any of your favorite social media platforms with the buttons below or at the side.
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If you are an online marketer or someone who feels you have influence and would like to sign up as an affiliate, feel free to register as an affiliate and receive a commission if someone buys the program through your link.
Linda –
Hi Linda.
Thank you for being my coach.
You helped me to know that I don’t have to let Bob, or in my case Louise, rule my thoughts. That I can control negative thoughts.
I also understand why I sometimes feel so sad, and that I can work on that.
I also have a better idea what I want to do with my life and what I am good at.
And I don’t have to be good at something to like it.
I can learn to be good at something I like to do.
The breathing exercises are also helpful when I feel stressed.
And the exercise where I imagine something funny when I am scared to do something, is brilliant.
Never knew my brain works that way.
I have a clearer idea of what I would like to do with my life.
The confidence assessment was also helpful .
I also enjoyed the Personality Profile.
Overall, I understand myself better and I accept my self more. And I know I am going to make a success of my life.
Thank you Linda