MajestiX Academy Linda Pretorius Life Coach


Hi, I’m Linda, Certified Transformation Life Coach, helping you take your power back.

Want to transform your life?

You know how people who have suffered emotional trauma because of a devastating loss or relationship are left feeling insecure and alone?

Well, I help them take their power back by building a winning mindset, emotional intelligence and unshakable confidence to create a positive future and life of prosperity.

I’ve been fortunate enough to be into personal development since 2012 and have done over 30 certifications in different sections of personal development.

I’m not saying this to brag, I’m saying this to show you that I’m:
First of all willing to invest in personal development and that is why I know investing in yourself is the best investment you can make.

Secondly, my self-doubt and limiting beliefs made me think I’m not good enough to help others yet, I need to get another certificate. That kept me back from helping people for many years.

Learn more about How we will work together

“Change does not happen in a day, it happens over time.

But without commitment, it won’t happen at all”

~Linda Pretorius Quote

Reason behind all my certifications

One of the biggest reasons I’m Certified in over 30 Different aspects of life coaching is that this is the result of thinking I’m not good enough. Thinking maybe getting another certification will make me be better and able to help everybody.

Well, that’s not the case. Although I can help a lot of people in a lot of different areas, I was still struggling with Imposter Syndrome, People Pleasing and Self Confidence.

Not to mention that inner critic that kept on telling me that I’m not good enough.

I kept on doing certification after certification until one day I was connected with a coach who showed me this through helping me find my limiting beliefs.

That is why, today I want to help you find your limiting beliefs and start building a better future for yourself and your family because you’re stepping out and taking your power back.


Proof that I am certified:

If you’re interested in seeing what I’m certified in, you’re welcome to check out my Certifications page here.

Book a Free Call

I don’t work with everybody and just anybody because sadly, not everybody is coachable. But to learn whether we’ll work great together, you can book a FREE Breakthrough To Freedom Session (worth $97) through Calendly. The call will be you and me only talking one-to-one over Zoom.

Develop Self-Mastery

Develop self-mastery by reprogramming limiting beliefs, developing a growth mindset so that you can know without a doubt that nothing can stand in your way again of creating the life you want.

Also, get absolutely clear about what you really want and who you are so that you can stop living someone else’s dream.

Join me on a quest for transformation that will lead you on a hero’s journey to a place where you really can do what you dream of and become all that you’re meant to be.

Let me help you take your power back.

Facebook Group

Join my Facebook Group where I share quotes, free stuff and fun stuff with you.

Join Facebook Group

Emotional Intelligence

People with higher Emotional Intelligence (EQ) have:

  • Higher levels of performance
  • Higher levels of productivity.
  • And higher problem solving skills.

The best news is, your Emotional Intelligence can be developed.

I’ll help you better understand the case of your own emotions so that you can shift your own emotional state.

My program will help you catch negative emotions early and avoid triggers in order to prevent escalating.

How we will work together

It will be an honor to be working with you as your life coach and I look forward to our coaching relationship.

This is a co-creative relationship. I see us as equals and I encourage you to do the same. I am not a therapist, counselor or consultant. I am a certified, trained life coach using practiced communication and listening skills to support you as a detached thinking partner. Together we create more power for you to effect meaningful change and take dynamic actions towards your forward movement.

Please understand, that if you’re seeking to change something about yourself, it takes time. Most of my clients feel a positive shift as soon as the very first session. Unfortunately, that typically doesn’t last as many of the thought and behavior patterns we develop are from as far back as childhood and are deeply rooted. Much like the time it might take to create a new path in a thickly wooded forest, the same is true for building new neural pathways in our brain. We will be working on new ways of reaching, responding an perceiving your life.

So, like the pushed aside branches that snap right into place the first several times of forging a new path, you will likely revert back to old ways of being and experiencing in the beginning. At the same time, you’ll begin to become aware of the elevated choices and options available to you in each moment and over time, it’s amazing to see how your life and relationships begin to elevate and evolve.

If you’re serious about change, decide to make a commitment to me coaching you.

Depending on your situation, your program will be tailored according to your need.


  • 12 x approx. 1 hour pre-recorded lessons
  • 12 x 1-on-1 calls
  • Worksheets and homework to complete
  • Support in the Facebook Group
  • Support over Messenger/email
  • Program tailored specifically to your needs


😎Make our coaching session a priority. You have chosen to invest in yourself. Please take time before each session to complete the video/audio lesson as well as the worksheet provided through email.

😎The most crucial part is for you to have an idea of what you’d like to take away from the session. Coaching is strongly based on the client’s agenda.

😎Please arrive on time to every session. If you’re not going to make it, reschedule in advance.

😎Come to our sessions centered and open-minded. Be willing to change your beliefs and patterns if they do not serve you anymore.

😎Please, go though the video/audio lessons and worksheets before the 1-on-1 call.

😎Give me feedback in the moment about your coaching experience – what works as well as what doesn’t. Do not every worry about hurting my feelings or fear what I might think. I am here to support you, not judge you or make decisions for you. If something I say does not resonate with you, I want to know about it.

😎You will receive worksheets and materials related to lessons done. Please remember these worksheets were provided to me as a Life Coach by Transformation Academy. You are not under any circumstances allowed to share these with anybody (you can be sued) and after completing the 12 week program you are NOT a life coach.


😍Provide you with video/audio lessons each week for you to complete before our 1-on-1 call.

😍I will listen closely to you, respond to what I hear and ask questions. If I hear something in your voice or body language that sparks and intuitive idea, thought or image, I’m likely to share it with you and ask you questions about it. Often it is these small nuances that create the bigger shifts for clients. Remember, if it doesn’t resonate, tell me. I’m not attached to being right.

😍At eh end of the session, if you do not mention what actions you are ready to take, I will make a coach request. I ask clients to stretch themselves, deepen the work done in the sessions by either journaling at home, taking a defined action, resolving relationships or tackling things that feel incomplete. You are free to negotiate, accept or decline. Most of the work will be in regards to self-awareness and powerful choice.

😍You will be treated with absolute dignity, confidentiality and respect as a free and equal individual.

😍Dispose of any records, including electronic files and communications, created during our coaching engagement in a manner that promotes confidentiality, security and privacy and complies wit applicable laws and agreements.

😍Obtain written permission from you before releasing your name in references or testimonials.

😍As a professional coach, I am required to report to the authorities should you disclose or display intent to harm yourself or others.


🕟Between sessions, if you have questions, a brief update, or want to bounce some ideas around, please contact me by email. Please keep these contacts succinct. If it seems like it will b better served as session material, I’ll suggest that.


💵I accept payments made through PayPal.

All prices are in USD (United States Dollar)


🕛Please give our session high priority and arrange your schedule to honor our greed upon time. If you must, reschedule, I ask you to give me 24 hours notice or as soon as you are able. I will not reschedule no-shows. Because I am holding an appointment for you and will be unable to fit another client in with less than 24 hours notice, a $50 session feel will be charged for sessions cancelled at the last minute. Emergencies are an exception.

🥰I’m looking forward to our coaching relationship and helping you take your power back!

~ Linda Pretorius

Coaching Categories:

I am certified to provide coaching under the following categories:

CBT Life Coach

Confidence Coach

Emotional Intelligence Coach

Goal Success Coach

Happiness Coach

Life Purpose Coach

Mindfulness Coach

REBT Coach

Transformation Coach

Forgiveness Coach

Life Story Coach

Life Purpose Quest Workshop Facilitator

Law Of Attraction Coach

Relationship Coach


Reviews of MajestiX Academy

Looking for a Certified Transformation Life Coach?

So, if you’re tired of living in stress, fear and anxiety, let me help you take your power back. I am your Certified Transformation Life Coach, contact me today.

Know someone who will benefit from having a Certified Transformation Life Coach?

Feel free to share this website with your friends that you know will benefit from having a certified transformation life coach to help them take their power back.